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2022-07-28 15:5011760小妹北京环球雅思







I'd like to tell you about a time when I called my mom from my cellphone. This happened two months ago on a Saturday morning as I was preparing to enter the IELTS test centre. I discovered I didn't have my ID card with me when I arrived there, and with an hour before the test, it was too late for me torush home and return to the place.

I tried calling my landline phone first, but no one answered. I assumed my parents were out for a walk. As it was, I dialed my mother's number and asked her rush home to my room to find my ID card. I instructed my mother to look in the place where I might have placed my ID card via videocall. Fortunately, my mother soon found it and delivered it to the examination hall.

This exam is quite important to me, and I have been studying for it for quite some time. I would not have been able to access the IELTS exam centre without my ID card, meaning all of my prior efforts and fees would be in vain.

After that, I appreciate mobile phones and video calls even more. I would not have taken my IELTS exam if I had lived in a time when I could only make landline calls or write letters. Of course, it also reminded me to double check that I have my ID with me before going out for any future exams.


it was too late for me to 对我来说...太晚了

rush home 赶回家

landline phone 固定电话

in vain 徒劳的,白费的

remind sb to 提醒某人做某事

double check 复合,复查

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